いとしまシェアハウスは、「食べ物・お金・エネルギーを自分たちでつくる」をコンセプトにした、自然とつながるシェアハウスです。棚田に囲まれた集落の中で、田んぼや畑・猟を行い、築80年の古民家を改修しながら、様々な個性を持つ男女が共に暮らしています。ここでは、体験したこと、つくり出したものをたくさんの人たちと”シェア”する暮らしの実験を行っています。 ※English follows











The way of living we create for ourselves

Itoshima Share House is a share house that connects you to nature, with the concept of “creating food, money, and energy on our own.” In a village surrounded by terraced rice fields, men and women with various backgrounds live together, working in rice fields, fields, hunting, and renovating an 80-year-old traditional house. Here, we are experimenting with a lifestyle where we “share” the things we have experienced and created with many people.

The reason this place was created was the Great East Japan Earthquake. At that time, I realized how dependent we had been on a large social system, and recognized its fragility and danger. This house started when I decided that I wanted to create a community where people could build a foundation of our own lives for the future. Since the earthquake, we have experimented every day to try things and things related to our lives from scratch, such as food, money, and energy.

About Food

We are 100% self-sufficient in rice, grow our favorite vegetables in a nearby field, fish in the sea, hunt in the mountains, collect wildflowers, and keep bees. Every day, we are blessed with the blessings of nature, including the sea, mountains, rivers, and rice terraces.

About Money

We need cash to survive. At my house, we create work from our daily lives by utilizing the resources, environment, and human resources available in this location, such as planning tours and events where people can experience rural life, holding marches, and hosting corporate training camps. We are working to lower the cost of living by making things with our hands, reduce the amount of work that we do just to make money, and create the time and foundation that enable us to do what we really want to do.

About Energy

We held workshops to make solar panel generators, made rocket stoves and earth ovens, and made Ondol, which is an underfloor heating system that uses wood to heat the floor. In addition to generating electricity, we also create and use energy from nature by using firewood for cooking and heating.


However, our goal is not to live a 100% self-sufficient life. Rather than thinking about the result, we should think about creating it ourselves and breaking away from mare consumers. I feel that it is important to not rely on others to handle your daily life, but to face it as your own. By experiencing the process of creating a living, you can learn about the background and true value of the things around you. From that point of view, reconsidering your way of life is also a valuable lesson that can be gained from this life.

I hope that someday, this share house will become like a small village where people from all different generations live together, with more friends who share the same passion, and who raise their children together. We envision this place becoming a rich community, and today we continue to live a life of “sharing.”

(translated by Ken Sugihara)